
Showing posts from June, 2017

8 Feng Shui Tips for Kitchens!

Gaining popularity in India and abroad, Feng Shui is of Chinese origin, literally translating to “wind-water”. It examines how the placement of objects within it affects the energy flow in that environment. An ancient form of art, it was developed more than 3,000 years ago and is said to be a complex body of knowledge which teaches you how to balance good energies to assure good fortune for the ones inhibiting it. The Chinese previously believed that a specific land's energy could make or break the kingdom. The theories of yin and yang, as well as the five Feng Shui elements are some of the basic aspects of a Feng Shui analysis. What is its purpose? It is to get your environment in alignment with whom you are and where you want to go, in order to harmonize your energy with your home's energy. While kitchens are considered the whole-and-soul of the house since that is the area that feeds us, literally; Feng Shui suggests the importance of kitchens from anot...